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Publication of a book titled “Contemporary Development Issues in the Philippines – Lessons from JDS Fellows”

Asia International Student Service

JICE JDS Philippines Project Office in January 2022 published a book titled “Contemporary Development Issues in the Philippines – Lessons from JDS Fellows”. The chapters are written by JDS alumni fellows and JICA Philippines Office. The book raises contemporary development issues in the Philippines and provides policy recommendations, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic. The JDS alumni fellows also share their experiences and lessons learned during their studies in Japan. The book is edited by Dr. QUIMBA Francis Mark who obtained M.A. at International University of Japan under JDS and currently works as Senior Research Fellow at the Philippines Institute of Development Studies and Dr. HARA Masatoshi, Country Officer of JICE-JDS Philippines Project Office.

In addition to the paperbacks distributed in the Philippines, the eBook version can be download for free through this link: https://jds-scholarship.org/country/philippines/alumni_activity.html

This first publication in the JDS Philippines was planned as part of alumni activities JICE has strongly promoted since 2018 and made possible by the JICE JDS Follow-up Fund. JICE will continue to encourage alumni fellows’ activity and support making opportunity to bring their knowledge and experiences gained in Japan to their countries.

JDS Follow-up Team

International Student Programs Department I

The cover of the book published by JICE Philippines project office and JDS Philippine alumuni
The book displayed in the JDS Philippines project office