
Youths from Seven SAARC countries Visit Japan

アジア 国際交流

JICE hosted the first batch of youth group of JENESYS2016 from seven SAARC countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) under the auspices of the SAARC Secretariat. The group consisting of 111 university students, post-graduate students and young professionals visited Tokyo, Tochigi and Nagasaki from January 16 through January 24, 2017.

JENESYS, which is the acronym for Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths, is designed for Asia and the Pacific. There are other programs designed for North America (KAKEHASHI)), Latin America and the Caribbean (Juntos!), and Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus (MIRAI). All are parts of Japan Friendships Ties Program launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with an aim to increase an international understanding of Japan.

JENESYS aims to deepen Asia and the Pacific countries' youths' understanding of Japan in terms of her politics, economy, industry society, culture, history and foreign policy, to encourage them to disseminate their observations and inspirations of Japan through various means including social networking media and to promote mutual understanding through further exchange.

The theme of this visit program was telecommunications which was one of the key development issues of these regions. The delegates deepened their understanding of Japan by visiting representative telecommunications companies and having an exchange with the students and experts in this field in addition to visiting cultural and historical places.


Observation of the state-of-art robotics technology
at the University of Electro-Communications

Visit to Tochigi Prefectural Government Office


Homestay in Nagasaki
(Group form Bangladesh)

Nepalese participant presenting their action plan

March 1st, 2017
International Exchange Department, JICE
Phone: +81-3-6838-2730
For more details about our past youth exchange programs, please visit: